Types of Mobile App Development Services: Your Outsourcing Guide

Types of Mobile App Development Services: Your Outsourcing Guide

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No business can thrive today without having a digital presence. With over 4.3 billion people using internet-enabled mobile devices, mobile apps for business have become a prerequisite for any business to reach out to its potential customers. However, it is often seen that a variety of services offered by IT agencies in developing a custom mobile app confuses the clients. Here is your guide on the types of services to outsource for mobile app projects.

Mobile App Development Services

Introduction to mobile app development services.

A century ago, a general practitioner treated almost all health problems. But today we have specific sets of services and their experts. Similarly, in the tech industry, starting with Pascal, Forth and C, computer programming languages ​​for larger machines have come a long way past the golden age of Java and C++ and today shine with F#, Dart, Cystal and many more.

As technologies evolved, a paradigm shift from desktop to mobile devices was evident. Today, the line between apps and websites for devices of different sizes and types is getting thinner. Today, mobile app development services include 360-degree solutions to your enterprise software solutions. These services can help you build apps for a small smartwatch or a giant 100-inch TV, leaving no difference in the user experience. Moreover, with the advent of the latest technologies like AI/ML , IoT, Blockchain, Deep Learning, and Metaverse, mobile app development has crossed boundaries to provide an immersive and realistic experience to the users.

Types of mobile app development services

There are two major players in the world of mobile apps: iOS and Android. According to research giant Statista, Android maintained its position as the leading mobile operating system worldwide, contributing a market share of over 70%, while Apple came in second with a market share of just under 30%. The other players, such as Windows, Symbian, Samsung and others, account for smaller shares.

With users pretty much divided into two main categories, mobile app development services are also primarily targeted at iOS and Android app development.

However, on a larger scale, we can divide application development into three main categories:

Native Mobile App Development Services

Native apps are developed specifically for a particular operating system that takes advantage of platform-specific coding. Therefore, native app development services include creating mobile apps that work only on specific devices and/or platforms.

It is possible to create a native app that works on different devices, but all of these devices run on the same platform. For example, a native Android app will run seamlessly on an Android smartwatch, an Android mobile phone, an Android tablet, and an Android TV.

Benefits of Native Mobile App Development Services

Some businesses prefer to build a native mobile app for their corporate needs. Here are some notable benefits of native app development:

  • High Speed: Unlike hybrid and cross-platform codes, native mobile apps are simple and hence comparatively faster.

  • Offline Features: Native mobile app development offers seamless operations even without an internet connection.

  • More interactive: Since native apps are built on specific operating systems, they follow strict guidelines that provide the best interaction.

  • Minimized Errors: Native app development is streamlined and adheres to strict guidelines. Ultimately, the result is a minimized scope of errors.

  • Enhanced Security and Performance: Developing applications on native platforms relies heavily on browsers and tools like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML5, etc. Therefore, it ensures the best security and optimal performance through hardware features.

Native mobile app development services can be divided into two main operating systems.

Android Native App Development Services

Typically, native Android app development services use Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA to create quality apps that run on Android devices of all sizes and types. These apps leverage the benefits of Android hardware to deliver the best functionalities.

Native iOS app development services

Apps built for native iOS platforms use XCode and AppCode to create custom solutions that run seamlessly on Apple devices such as Apple Watches, iPads, iPhones, and Apple TV. iOS apps built on native platforms provide a superior user experience as they can take full advantage of Apple devices’ hardware.

When Should You Opt for Native Mobile App Development Services?

Native app development is a bit more expensive because it requires separate code for a separate platform or operating system. Consider native app development services for the following factors:

  • Your target audience is on the specific platform

  • You want the first impression to be the best through UX

  • If you like 3D games and animations

  • If you are planning to acquire a wide range of DAUs, apply for funding

  • for your app, or want to impress users with seamless functionalities.

  • You need to add device-specific functionality, such as a camera or GPS.

Hybrid App Development Services

Hybrid App Development Services It includes a combination of web solutions and native apps. In this, programmers incorporate the code written in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript into native apps by using various plugins like Ionic's Capacitor, Apache Cordova, and the like. This enables them to gain access to the native functionalities of the platforms or frameworks.

When Should You Opt for Hybrid Mobile App Development Services?

Hybrid apps are a bit cheaper compared to native mobile app development services. However, businesses should opt for these services under the following conditions:

  • Fast Time to Market: Faster shipping of MVP – Minimum Viable Product is faster when you opt for hybrid app development.

  • Ease of maintenance: Hybrid applications are completely based on web technologies and are therefore easier to manage and maintain compared to their cross-platform and native counterparts.

  • Minimized Cost and Time: If you have a limited budget and time constraints, hybrid app development services are affordable. Single version on multiple platforms.

  • Improved UI/UX: The combination of native and web apps offers a seamless user experience with super-fast graphics loading.
    Cross-platform application development services.

Many confuse between cross-platform app development services and hybrid app development services – they are completely different from each other and have their importance. Cross-platform frameworks are created with a clear purpose – to create usable and shareable codes to build apps for different operating systems. This means writing code once and then reusing it across multiple platforms so that the cost and efforts of app development are significantly reduced.

Cross-platform app development services are known to offer easy deployment and seamless functionalities. Thanks to the Xamarin, Flutter, and React Native framework, cross-platform app development services are becoming the top priority for mobile app development companies abroad.

When to Consider Cross-Platform App Development Services?

Due to fast and hassle-free application development, increased product features, and reduced costs, cross-platform app development is preferred by most small and medium-sized businesses. Here's what you should consider for this service:

You are on a budget but want to cover all major operating systems and platforms, such as Android and iOS.

You want to reach all potential users/customers on Android and Apple devices.

You want your applications to take less time to develop and faster to deploy
When you want an app with smooth functionality and a seamless user experience across all types of devices Progressive web application development services.

PWAs are a feature-packed enterprise mobility solution that delivers a seamless experience to your target customers. In the era of mobile, you can acquire the best combination of mobile and web technologies. Progressive web apps are built using web platform technologies but are known to deliver a user experience similar to that of a platform-specific app.

When to Consider PWA Development Services?

There are many progressive web app development benefits offered to businesses. Businesses across the globe prefer PWAs when they are clear about their needs and specifications. Here are some of the factors that will help you decide whether to opt for PWA development services:

When you focus on providing offline functionalities, PWAs work offline and are therefore the best solutions for your customers with limited internet connectivity.

When you want your web apps to be discovered and shared. Just like traditional websites, PWAs can be discovered by search engine bots. They can also be shared with URLs, allowing user-generated content to be part of your campaign.

When you don't want to mess with the hassle of updates and maintenance complexities, PWAs are easy to manage and updates are implemented seamlessly.

Native Apps vs. Hybrid Apps vs. Cross-Platform Apps vs. PWA: Which One Should You Choose?

For businesses, it is essential to choose the right mobile app development services, which are obtained only after carefully planning the business requirements, project scope, and target audience, end-users, or customers.

Below is an easy-to-learn table that will help you decide which mobile app development service is suitable for you to outsource.

Outsourcing mobile app development services

We, as a renowned offshore mobile app development company , offer you innumerable services under engagement models through which you can hire mobile app developers . Make clear the goal and objectives of your project. You can always take help from our business and technology consultants to carry out the feasibility and build a strategic roadmap for your project.

Futurbyte is your preferred offshore IT agency that houses designers, developers and QA executives under one roof to meet your business' mobility requirements. Just fill in the form and our friendly staff will soon get back to you. Discuss your ideas with us and outsource a custom mobile app to automate your business operations.

Futurbyte offers customized web and mobile development services and software solutions for small, medium and large businesses in UAE.

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